NSFW Friend Told Me He Is Cheating Due to Appearance Of His Fiance's Genitalia.

So the other day, a close male friend of mine told me he is sending his fiance on an expensive solo paid vacation. I inquired why he wasn't going with her, and he informed me in so many words "because he has needs" and that he has his own hotel booked with the sole intention of cheating/unfaithfulness.

Why? Because apparently her genitalia is offensive and disgusting to him and he can't perform oral sex on her. He told me he must perform oral sex to be fulfilled in life, and he "just has to".

I asked him why he wasn't just being honest with her, and he said it was because it would crush her. I said If oral sex is THAT important to you then you guys need to break up. He refused to break up saying he loved her and they had built a life together and then he wouldn't have anyone to help him with his special needs daughter. And he is ADAMANT he will not get caught unless I say something to his fiance.

I inquired about lights out, blindfolds, etc. He absolutely refused and says her stuff is beyond disgusting.

Let me be clear. He is not a prize in any way. Without him paying for the privilege, I don't see any random woman near him just randomly accepting oral sex from him. So I'm not sure if this will happen. But it's definitely put me in a weird situation because I am friends with both of them. I don't want to get involved but I feel this is really awful for him to do. It's changed how I look at him completely. I never would have thought him capable of something like this.

Just needed to get this out of my brain. I feel so bad for her.


Wow. I did not expect this to blow up like that. I will try to clarify some of the questions I've received.  1) yes, I also wish this was fake. It isn't. 

2) they are not married. They are engaged. The special needs child is not theirs. The biological mother of the child lives in another state. 

3) for those asking why I'm friends with someone, Why does anyone have friends? Nobody is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. But I've been friends with him for a decade. Longer than I've known his fiance who I met through him. He's been a really wonderful friend. And He's never mentioned or thought or indicated any kind of behavior like this to me until this JUST HAPPENED, YESTERDAY, and I was completely shocked and struggling to process it. That is why I said what I said in the original post. My vision of him has shattered. I am not sure yet how I am going to proceed. 

4) those asking for information about her genitalia, I really do not have the answers you are seeking. I asked about smell or scent or taste and he was adamant it was strictly because of appearance. The only description I got, which left me very confused,  was that it "looks like a pokemon". He also did mention that she has a disorder (I forgot the name) of where the hair follicles of your pubic hair turns slightly ulcerous and the hair follicles become infected. He said this also disgusts him because apparently it's "open wounds". I asked all the questions you guys are asking. Why isn't she on medication or treatment for the condition. Labiaplasty. Etc.  The short and unfortunate answer is lack of funds and lack of health insurance for both parties. We live in a VERY poor area of a VERY red state. And yes, I told him he should have paid for her healthcare instead of a vacation. 

5) I am certain he is not gay. 

6) for those of you that have reached out privately to confirm if I am someone you know and if this story is about your partner, I want to say how sorry I am and how sad I am that this is happening to other people. I can't even imagine.