I feel like I’m starting to resent my boyfriend for his selective laziness

I’ve been with my boyfriend for 5 years and there are so many positives, but some things he states and his reasoning for his behavior has me very concerned that he intentionally lazy about things he knows I will inevitably handle.

He always says he doesn’t want to spend every evening taking 15 minutes to sweep up the cat hair even though I’m allergic and it keeps me from feeling as sick. He refuses to get a better job or work more hours because I’ll always cover the difference (I make more) because obviously I don’t want to get behind on bills. He says he’s wants to get rid of his cat but calling shelters and driving around is too much work. He doesn’t want to learn how to cook until we live together because it’s too inconvenient at his current housing situation. He doesn’t believe in babysitters so when we have a child we have no choice but to have him stay home from work even though I’d much rather stay home temporarily but I make the bulk of the household income.

It just feels like a bunch of small things that concern me about how he would be going forward in our relationship. But on the other side often his words don’t match his actions and he goes the extra mile for us. I’m just confused and scared for the future