Update I think I'm financially abusing my brother

So a lot has happened, the biggest thing we did was talk and let him know where we are standing with financial responsibility and my daughter.

Biggest thing is he was just concerned that if his financial responsibility changed so would the dynamics of the house, we changed it around and decided that he would pay 500 a month and gas as well as his phone bill, if he doesn't eat what I make he needs to provide his own foods, snacks he needs to provide for himself and any drinks he wants he will provide for himself. When I say snacks and drinks I mean junk foods and soda, my husband and I don't really go for junk food and soda but we constantly have juice, tea, and cool aid around for him to drink if he doesn't want water so if he wants soda and junk foods he needs to start shopping for himself. He wasn't very happy to have to shop for himself but it's part of life. I'll still prepare meals and he can eat the foods we buy so he doesn't need those items. He did not watch our daughter before and still won't but I did see that assumption made, so to be clear he doesn't watch the baby, I have a babysitter for when I work, it's not very often so it's not very expensive. He however did offer to watch her so we can cut the money we spend on the babysitter out of the budget but I denied that. He asked if he could get a kitten, his friends giving them away and I sorta caved and let him get the cat, he is responsible for her litter and food but it seems I end up cleaning her box and feeding her, him and my husband just play with her. She waits at the door for him to come home and will meow at him in the mornings which I find adorable. My husband wasn't to involved, just said it's my house and my brother so whatever decision I make he will back up, not much help but he isn't fighting me on it. I feel like I caved and let him have the cat as an apology :/

Not the best update and I know details are kinda limited but not a lot happened, he got a cat, he only pays 500$ plus gas and phone bill. Pretty small and doesn't need a lot of details.