[Hated Trope] The entire character is just an impression of Peter Lorre

  1. Dr. Lorre (Looney Tunes)

  2. Slappy Laszlo (SpongeBob SquarePants)

  3. Edgar E. Gore (Frankenweenie)

  4. N. Gin (Crash Bandicoot)

  5. Chameleon (TUFF Puppy)

  6. The Maggot (Corpse Bride)

  7. Hanging Lamp (Brave Little Toaster)

  8. King of Flan (Courage the Cowardly Dog)

To be a touch more specific, what I dislike most about a lot of these characters is they feel less like a homage and more borderline mocking him based on his appearance. I understand Lorre has a very noteworthy appearance, but the way a lot of depictions in various media focus on his face, his bulging eyes, and his raspy voice feels like they’re making fun of him. I’m not a big fan of this given if you know anything about Lorre’s history, he’s a lot more than a funny face, and his story is really great.