Are there any bands/artists with production as excellent as TOOL's?

Every layer of their instrumentals is like the most perfect tone humanly possible. The guitar, bass, drums, vocals and electronic effects mesh in such a way that seems to form one singular force of music rather than four separate people playing. It just sounds so organic and right in every way. Every texture is precisely where it needs to be. Every effect is of perfect intensity. Every instance of delay, reverb, flange, fuzz, and distortion uses the absolute perfect amount of said effect. Nothing could be improved by increasing or decreasing any of them. Their tone and atmosphere falls into the most perfect Goldilocks sweet spot I have ever heard in all of music. Jazz, rock, metal, alternative, country, electronic, industrial, anything. Plenty of bands have examples of really great production, but none have ever pulled it off with such insane consistency the way TOOL has.