Who here shushed my cousin?
I saw a comment from my cousin on an ad for Sessanta 2.0 & was surprised so figured I'd ask him if he was going to hit the Grand rapids show..
But naw.
One of you shushed him and now he won't go to another Maynard show ever again. His sense of distain was not conveyed in his first comment. A single experience.. vexed by one of you.. has caused my cousin to declare an emotionally charged boycott on MJK.
I saw a comment from my cousin on an ad for Sessanta 2.0 & was surprised so figured I'd ask him if he was going to hit the Grand rapids show..
But naw.
One of you shushed him and now he won't go to another Maynard show ever again. His sense of distain was not conveyed in his first comment. A single experience.. vexed by one of you.. has caused my cousin to declare an emotionally charged boycott on MJK.