First time playing the game. Feels like the genie phrase: Phenominal Cosmic Power, Ity Bity Living Space.

Guys, I really liked the premise of the game.
A full sandbox game where you can use what you want, learn spells, move things around, etc.
I really liked it... for the first 50 hours, I think.
Then I started to think: "Lol, why can't I quick loot or move specific items?"

So, this is the optimal armor for the next 45 levels? Then I’ll only want to change it, like, 3 more times?

Oh, nice! I can imbue my equipment to have some powers... for 20 hours... but only the first level because there are two more levels only for premium players. :v

What will I do besides questing around and walking?

Every time I discover a cool mechanic... it's for premium players only???

It's like Terraria with a top-down vision by EA Games?

It has so much potential! But it’s being very limited by the price tag.

Are my spells limited by my credit card? What am I playing, Magic: The Gathering?
And okay, I get that they have to monetize something, but... monetizing QoL settings? Really?

I think I just need to put this somewhere because I'm just frustrated with the game at this point.
let the roast begins, shall we?