Nick Sobotka questions
I think I may misunderstand something. In S5 there's a cameo of Nick Sobotka protesting the mayor at a reconstruction at the docks. But wasn't Nick (as well as his girlfriend and child) in Witness Protection from S2?
I suppose it's possible he just left witsec, but I don't see how he would do that, considering it puts his family in danger. And we know the Greek and Vondas are around since they're operating out of the same rundown diner from S2.
That actually raises more questions for S2 those two bounced, presumably out of the country since we last see them in an airport. But in S5 they're back in Baltimore doing the same shit out of the same place? Is there an in-universe or even a fan theory on how that works? I mean if I escape arrest by the hair on my chinny chin chin and get away I damn sure ain't going back to the same place I almost got caught.