What would you do with Marlon? (SPOILERS FINAL SEASON E1)

I was replaying the final season and got to the end of e1, and I was just curious, how would y'all handle the situation if u were clem? Would you make him leave, make him your prisoner, believe in redemption for him, or just kill him?

For me I'd say making him leave would be the same as killing him, with no real experience in handling both walkers and humans while being on the run (without mentioning the possibility of him trying to come back and be trouble). Making him a prisoner to make him attone for his actions feels somewhat the right way to handle it, but him being able to kill brody (which seemed more than a friend) out of pure anger and trying to kill clem and pinpoint the blame on her makes me think that he doesn't even feel guilt, just sad that he got caught.