Pre-marital sex in Legendarium following Laws and Customs of the Eldar

Since we want to talk about how Tolkien's religious beliefs influenced his work, I wanted to point out how in Morgoth´s Ring in HOME, we can find a text called Laws and Customs of the Eldar. There it is explicitly said that for the Elves premarital sex is considered non-existent, and that If two elves have sexual relations after taking an oath before Eru, they are automatically considered married, without the need for further ceremonies.

That text was intended to be an appendix to the Silmarillion, according to Christopher's comments, and securely represents Tolkien's final will on the matter (including a commentary on Aragorn and Arwen).

This moral and ethical ideal is explicitly noted in the text - and also in Nature of Middle Earth - as something that was adopted by the human Edain, the Friends of the Elves, from Beren and Húrin to Aragorn, including Frodo, Bilbo, the hobbits and Gimli, who are explicitly called Friends of the Elves.

As much as yes, that makes Aragorn the 88-year-old virgin -badum tss-. All of which, as I already pointed out, aligns with the personal and religious beliefs of the professor, who decided to introduce them within his fictional universe with the text of Laws and Customs of the Eldar.

What do you think about it?