COMING SOON: Tim Kang AMA February 18
Hey Mentalist fans, who's ready for some Cho business? We're closing in on the 10-year anniversary of the series finale of The Mentalist. To help us celebrate this milestone, actor Tim Kang, who you all know as Agent Kimball Cho, will be doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) here in r/TheMentalist on February 18 at 12 p.m. PST, so mark your calendars!
This gives you two weeks to think of things you want to ask the Iceman himself.
For those of you who haven't participated in an AMA before, Tim's AMA post will go up in advance, and you can post your questions then (not now). At the designated time, he'll begin answering questions.
Our sub recently passed the 30,000 member mark, so let's show Tim how much we love him and Kimball Cho!
To get you all excited, we can pretend this is Cho entering our sub. 😂