[ATLA] The full lyrics of the Secret Tunnel song
So I am rewatching TLA and I realize they may have have given us the full lyrics and they're actually kind of dark.
So the lyrics in the episode are:
Two lovers, forbidden from one another
A war divides their people
And a mountain divides them apart
Built a path to be together
...Yeah, and I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes...
Secret tunnel!
Secret tunnel!
Through the mountain!
Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel!"
Then later in the episode, Chong says "Oh I remember the last part! 'And die...'
Combine those and the lyrics are as followed:
Two lovers, forbidden from one another
A war divides their people
And a mountain divides them apart
Built a path to be together
And die...
Secret tunnel!
Secret tunnel!
Through the mountain!
Secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel!"
Not quite the happy song we thought! Still catchy though.
(Also, later in the episode the fire benders seal off the cave because it was too dangerous. One of them says "Haven't you heard the song?" It makes a little more sense now.)