Remind me why they couldn't detain ozai after defeating him remind me why he had to die
Ever since I was 12 I was always on the aang needs to kill ozai train and no matter what argument you made anng was always selfish for refusing to kill ozai. but now after thinking about it the more I realize they could have easily just detained him after defeating him. Like I don't get where the argument that he had to be killed came from.
Like we know fire benders can be detained hell they do it to azula at the very same time and even though she isn't that skilled as always she definitely has more raw fire power than him, meaning if she can be captured he sure as hell can be. and even if holding them somewhere is the problem we know from legend of korra you can just trap them somewhere cold with very little oxygen and they'll never get out so why didn't they just plan to do that .
Like I don't know if I'm missing something I don't know if I just forgot a line of dialogue explaining why he needed to die like as far as I'm aware of the gaang was just bloodthirsty
Ever since I was 12 I was always on the aang needs to kill ozai train and no matter what argument you made anng was always selfish for refusing to kill ozai. but now after thinking about it the more I realize they could have easily just detained him after defeating him. Like I don't get where the argument that he had to be killed came from.
Like we know fire benders can be detained hell they do it to azula at the very same time and even though she isn't that skilled as always she definitely has more raw fire power than him, meaning if she can be captured he sure as hell can be. and even if holding them somewhere is the problem we know from legend of korra you can just trap them somewhere cold with very little oxygen and they'll never get out so why didn't they just plan to do that .
Like I don't know if I'm missing something I don't know if I just forgot a line of dialogue explaining why he needed to die like as far as I'm aware of the gaang was just bloodthirsty