Was dancing a higher priority than vocal talent?
In the nicest way possible - how was Emily consistently the top ranked trainee? She is incredibly talented in many areas, but I feel like she was undeniably in the bottom 3 for vocal talent. I can understand her being highly ranked (and deservedly so) but I really am surprised she was almost always number 1 overall. Compared to say Lara, who is the best singer but not a great dancer. I don’t know if I am articulating this correctly, but I feel as if some of the best singer’s dance ability are higher than Emily’s vocal ability, like they are better dancers than she is a singer, yet in the overall ranking they were middle of the pack or near the bottom. Almost all of the top ranked trainees were the top dancers who were decent vocalists, instead of vice versa. I feel like the trainers were much more focused on improving the girls’ dance training than vocal talent. Even if other things like visual performance and attitude were boosting her average up, you would think that other top trainees with more vocal talent (like Adela for example) would be the one to nab the top spot in that case.