I'm so ashamed of being European right now [rant]
All this time I could at least tell myself we weren't as crazy as the Americans, we had a welfare and a sense of human dignity, they were dragging us in wars all over the world. I could tell myself our governments were US proxies who followed Washington's diktats, we weren't at fault.
But I was wrong, the last few days we have witnessed how rabid EU imperialism is. All this time we were just as guilty, just as responsible, when the alliance finally cracked WE were making Trump look like a pacifist, WE were spewing conspiracy theories about Russia and China invading dozens of countries, WE were talking about the US as the "leader of the free world" until they were mean to "the great man Zelenskyy". In short, WE were the crazies.
I don't know how to cope anymore, is anyone else here feeling the same way?