Online gaming hasn't been ruined by "sweats," you just suck

Fortnite recently re-launched their "OG" gamemode, where people can go back and play with the mechanics/map of Season 1 of fortnite. Naturally, a lot of people who played Fortnite a couple of years ago have been returning, but since they haven't played in years, they are getting molly-whopped. Instead of, you know, realizing that they can be better, they just decide to claim that everyone who beats them plays for too long and is too invested. Newsflash buddy, PEOPLE PLAY GAMES TO WIN. It's not like they're purposely not going to put in all of the effort that they can to get good.

I've seen this behavior in other games too, and it's so baffling to me; these guys are always like "I just wanna come home from work and have a good time waaahhh waahhhhh waaaahhh" you can have a good time while losing, no one's stopping you. It's not like I'd go to a Soccer field, start playing with the guys there, and then complain that they were too good if I lost. But because you just want to sit on your ass, put in no effort, and somehow win games, it's fine for you to complain??? BULLSHIT