Terraspark boots rework idea
Since terraspark boots are meant to be the ultimate boots and all-terrain accessory, it's kinda weird to me that its missing some of the boots in its recipe. If you really want to have the effects of all the boots in the game you need to use a lot of accessory slots which is obviously not very viable
Here's my idea for a rework:
1: the hellfire treads are now a combination of the flame walker boots and lava waders instead of spectre boots, and the terraspark boots require them instead of lava waders.
2: the lightning boots now require shoe spikes, but instead of the effect transferring to the lightning boots, it grants increased acceleration instead (and if I'm being greedy, maybe a small resprite to add cleats)
3: The amphibian boots now a combination of sailfish boots and a frog flipper instead of a frog leg, and these are required for the terraspark boots
4: The dune rider boots instead of the lightning boots can now be upgraded with the ice skates and amphibian boots to create the new all-terrain boots (you cant craft spectre boots with the dunerider boots anymore)
5: The terrapsark boots are now a combination of the Lightning boots, the all-terrain boots, the lava waders and the flower boots
In total, the new effects are:
-more acceleration from the shoe spikes
-faster on sand from the dunerider boots
-amphibian boots + flipper effects
- flamewalker boots + flower boots effects
What do y'all think of this? I personally would love to see these changes