Special Style Lee Chaolan Guide

Hey ! Ever felt like playing the game like it was intended was boring, lame even ? Want to make players question their knowledge about the game ? Want to win some matches for a few days ?
Well I present to you : A quick guide for the ephemeral SS Lee Chaobla.

Quick heads up for those who don't know : Since the recent rework of Special Style, Lee players discovered a tech allowing Lee to switch to SS right after a mist step was inputted to access a i12 WS2,3.

What is it useful for ?
1 - Lee is now Geese Howard, allowing for up to 70% health combo from parry.
2 - mist step now has more mix.
3 - Being a piece of shit
4 - I don't know probably other stuff I just discovered the damn thing

For combo naming SS : Special Style
ASS : Activate Special Style
DSS : Deactivate Special Style (f*ck Law)
SS(2) : 2 in special style

How to apply it :
First, training drills. It's not very hard compared to some other Lee stuff, but it still gonna take some time adjusting. I'll try to help my fellow gamepad users, cuz people who use arcade sticks probably didn't pay 200$ just to use special style.
First, it takes up a button. As the whole motion is pretty fast, I'd recommend putting it in an accessible button, like a bumper
Then -> Set Kazuya at standing block for action 1 and punish (1 jab) for action 2.
Do 1,2 f, immediately switch to SS and input 2.
Here's the 'hard' part -> You can't input mist step after 1,2 in Special Style, and activating special style too late will result in a lame ass i14 WS2,3. You wanna activate SS just when you know the game has registered your mist step, right before you can even see it in game.
You can train doing that, it'll also help you get the habit of activating/disabling SS.
Now what you want is the heat combo, but don't ask me why, activating heat in this combo while in special style is unreliable. Anyway your better off learning the right way so here's the drill ->
12f, ASS(2), DSS ff3.
Once you got that one just switch ff3 with heat.
For the parry there are cool combo videos on the net already, but if you want :
B3+4, 12f, ASS(2), DSS b11~f, 2, b2f -> Whatever you want after

This tech works for b2f ASS, for WS12f ASS and 12f ASS, as I know of.

Don't forget that now you also have access to easy execution Lee. If you can acid rain, just ASS(f2) for frame perfect blazing kick. ASS(f1) gives relatively fast WR34.

Last step :
Go into settings -> player settings and disable opponent view of your Special Style.

Congrats ! Ur now a piece of shit for just about 2 weeks