Someone needs to explain this to me...

So I am on a 9 game loss streak, going on average 7 place.

To put it into perspective here is my last game and my huge problem with how this game calculates shop.

I have Starry Night, we all know it increases chance for 1 and 2 costs to be one more star level in shop, I am the ONLY QuickStriker in the lobby after my Wandering Trainer gives me Quickstriker and Firelight.

I have 110 gold, it is Mel's blessing, I am level 7. I roll down for my quickstrikers and watcher frontline.

I am sitting at lvl 7 after anomaly with a single 3 star unit which is vlad, zero gold and 23 hp.
I try desperately to roll for nocturne cause he is my carry, I do not hit.
No one else is going it.
My opponents?
2 star mordekaiser lvl 8.
2 star Sevika lvl 8.
2 star Caitlyn just hit lvl 9.
And the best part?
All of these 5 costs are contested on other boards.

Someone needs to explain to me how the shop works cause if I am the only Quickstriker player and I do not get a single 3 star, and everyone else rolls what they need when its all contested, I feel like the algorythm is making an example out of me.

To put it into perspective me other games I had 6 Sentinel 6 visionary, perfect items.
Suddenly after anomaly my opponents all lvl up their 5 costs, two of them hit viktor.
I am top 4 before anomaly, after anomaly I lose non stop cause my opponents have two star mordekaiser, two star sevika, etc etc.
I end up going 6 place with 6 sentinel 6 visionary, I have two star all of my units except for Malz who is suddenly contested and ofc I dont hit, but whatever, I can live with that.
What I cant live with is how suddenly all my opponents get what they are hitting for, WHEN ONCE AGAIN I AM THE ONLY SENTINEL/VISIONARY PLAYER and all other comps are contested.
I end up going sixth place with a two star heimer with blue buff, gunblade and Seraph, Malz with double shojin and morello, Illaoi with MR shred, Warmogs and BT and a Renata with Giant Slayer.
My opponents? well ofc they have viktor.
And I lose.

I'm just confused as to WHY I am losing, I play my boards correct. I pivot when I have to, I swap units for temporary buffs, I position correctly and I watch out for backline, or when I need it, access.
cause i WAS emerald I 75lp, now I am Emerald IV 0lp.

Does the game increase champ pool access when its contested? cause when I am the only one playing a comp I never hit my units