Why are people rude over nothing?
I was in the thick of it tonight with 2 groups and a full section when a woman was seated. I told her I’d be right with her (it couldn’t have been more than 2-3 minutes). Upon greeting her she asked if happy hour was still going on and it had just turned 6 o’clock so I told her it was not. She was giving push back and telling me to hurry and put a drink in for her and I explained to her my handheld POS does it automatically and I can’t alter the price on my end since happy hour is in fact over. Her response: “Well maybe if you had gotten here quicker then I could have ordered.”
I wanted to scream. I smiled and told her I was very busy and apologized again. She shooed me away and said she’d wait for her friend. Two minutes later she asks to speak to a manager and he comes back to tell me he’s gonna discount her drink so she can save the $3.
I’ve done this long enough and I know how people can be. But it never ceases to amaze me how rude someone can be over something so trivial. I wish instead of the response I had given I had just asked, “Is saving $3 really worth you being rude to me right now?”
It’s just been a rough couple weeks and I always try not to project whatever I have going on in my personal life affect my job. But the last thing I needed in that moment of chaos was someone being rude to me over $3.
Thanks for listening.