How Do You See The End Of The Reich/2WRW Actually Going?

I'm playing the 2WRW mod and it's good, but it gets the old neurons twitching as I wonder how realistic it really is that Russia would go from bombed out ruins to global superpower in the space of around a decade. I mean of course by that logic very little of the timeframe of the game makes sense, but I just don't see it becoming a contender for the Cold War on its own.

And like many finicky nitpicks I have with the TNO mod tone, alot of it comes down to who unites Russia and who controls Germany. Pretty much everyone I see discuss this is under the impression everyone in Russia is screaming for bloodshed and is waiting to roll into Europe Modern Warfare 2/3 style, but something to keep in mind, several unifiers are more interested in nation building than revenge/revanchism. All of them want Moscow back at the very least of course, but the manner in which that happens might depend on the unifier and German leadership.

For example, in Liberal Russia/GO4 Gemany scenario, it wouldn't be off the table to negotiate a straightforward handover.

I'm not so naive as to assume Fascism in Germany is dead in this scenario of course, but given by the end of the GO4 path Germany is already transitioning into a democracy, and no matter the path the economy is pretty scuffed for the forseeable future, the reformist wing might be open to just cutting the tumor that is Moskowien loose. The games' description post-uprising explains what an utter ruin the place is, the only reason to keep it at that point is pride.

And for those envisioning a glorious reclamation, consider that Russia isn't exactly in that good of a state. It's unified, sure, with a battle hardened army, but we have to remember it's never come into conflict with a truly modern army before, let alone one with nuclear warheads. Completeing their own nuclear program would be a bare minimum requirement and can you imagine any of the Big 3 letting a neutral power do that? Especially with nuclear de-escalation becoming a serious concern (again, this is a best case scenario, where tensions are thawing slightly across the board). At the very least, Russia might start giving actual serious overtures to the OFN. Only in that scenario can I see them managing to shanghai any territory back through threats, if only because Germany would then also have the USA breathing down their necks.

Or maybe I'm just bitter because the work I put into bringing some actual justice to Europe is about to be undone.