Tasks counts consistently wrong, start counting your tasks manually

Hey I've been on the program for a number of years, since it was Lionbridge and not Telus, we used to count and report our own times and though that was a pain in the ass, it was you counting your own times so it was accurate. In the last couple of months the amount of discrepencies with task counts I've seen in with task counts have made me decide to go back to that system and begin checking my tasks weekly. Right now I know have about 50 tasks missing from February, some from one day where all my tasks are gone and others i don't know where exactly from. Like many others i'm also missing tasks for the 1st of March.

I've contact Telus about these issues, and though they're aware of the March 1st issue, they also asked me to tell them how many tasks i did on different dates in February, which is ridiculous since they change the policy to us not having to count our own tasks years ago. So i'm just letting you know, that they might ask you for your task counts if you contact them about these issues