If you could do it all over again and could choose, would you choose to be a TCK or not?

I ask myself this quite often, and now that I have the decision to put my kids through this as well this question is constantly in my head.


I'm 37, Just discovered this sub and I have never related to any subreddit more than here and now.

The first 18 years of my life I grew up between Mexico City (where I attended an Irish school), Buenos Aires (where I attended a British school), Miami, NY, and one year in Dallas. My parents and grandparents are all originally from Spain. So culturally, I am just a mess. I have no idea how to answer when someone asks me where I'm from. I feel somewhat familiar with all these cultures but don't feel exactly "at home" at any of them.

Well, fast forward to my 30's and I move to Denver Colorado, get married, and start a family and have a stable job. And I feel so weird. My oldest is 7 (at this point I had already lived in 3 cities) and watching her grow up in a single culture, especially suburban American culture which I never grew up with is causing some serious cognitive dissonance.

On the one hand, my kids seem so happy and confident and they have such an easy time making friends. They're also so good at school. But I feel like I will do them a disservice if we just stay here forever. I was recently able to obtain Spanish and Mexican citizenship for the whole family (as well as US since they were born here). And the thought has crossed my mind (not completely unrelated to the current political climate here) of moving somewhere, for the sake of exposing my kids to different parts of the world. Who knows, maybe a few years in Spain, or maybe somewhere else in the EU, maybe then Mexico? And then back to the US?

I do feel like I'm a better version of myself having that worldly exposure, I'm able to connect with a wider variety of people all over the world. I love to travel and learn about other countries and feel like I have a deep interest in other cultures. I was however kind of an anxious mess as a child as well. And I often wonder what type of person I'd be if we had just stayed put somewhere, maybe I would have been more confident early on, and I'd be a more successful and happy person overall. I don't know, worried of ruining their lives!