To Recap : Nothing the Abnimal heroes did in 2025 mattered or wasn't later undone by this stupid mystery

Since I know the point of this season is aggressive anti-continuity, I just want to point out the premise of this mission - Save Carver - was animated by him stealing a tape that Walrus wanted. Despite Carver et al. knowing Killdeath had a copy, so why was the physical version so important to retrieve? Well turns out Walrus actually wants to reverse-engineer Abnimals from Carvers DNA, making the "learn why the Bayside Baddies kidnapped Carver" plot at the police station moot.

The next plot? Infiltrate Clamgela's bank to set up a meeting with Walrus - the person whose base they just entered without resistance via a preprogrammed rocket. Making their "set up an appointment with The Walrus" plot moot. And because the infiltration into the prison island was to acquire the HQ layout, the development in this ep that you can learn the layout from the implanted AI (neglecting that neither Killdeath nor SCUZZ seem to know what traps Walrus wouldve installed there since) makes the "infiltrate the Island to get Killdeaths blueprints" plot also moot.

The end! No moral.