Surface Pro 10 vs 11?
I got surface-pilled by a friend and planning to buy one myself
The thing is both have got weird pricing here (tablet only)
Pro 10 i5 (Core 5 Ultra) is $1400
Pro 11 Snapdragon X Plus is $850
Why is the snapdragon one's much cheaper?
price-wise & performance-wise Pro 11 clearly wins here, but how about other aspect? mainly.. software compability? I heard it's the biggest downside
I do web development with react & backend stuffs with python & sql.., I also monitor devices installed by our company using ssh (mobaXterm)
Lastly, I might got into a master's degree soon doing research (dunno what programming will be used, but im assuming python or Matlab)
Should I save money with pro 11 or bite my lips and buy 10 (or 8)