A bad sub?

My Dom and I are LDR. He has never been to my location though I’ve been to his multiple times. He has never met many of the people in my life besides a very close select few.
Last week I had an issue with one of my family members and was greatly upset. I spoke to him about it and he ordered me to apologize to the person. At the time I was deeply emotional and not in a good mental state to communicate with the other person. I did not call and apologize.

Yesterday my Dom informed me I am not a good sub or true sub because I do not listen and immediately obey.
I am struggling now with my own kink identity and my value to him. He said I consented to him as my Dom because I respect and trust him to make the decisions that are for my best interest. By not apologizing when he told me, I was doubting his ability to see what was best for me and my overall happiness and I instead am being independent from my Dom by deciding things without his consent.

I could use some input. Thanks 😊