Expressing my expectations to my Dom

I am in my first D/s relationship and my Dom has asked me to clarify exactly what I expect from him as my Dom. But I am not entirely sure myself. I used ChatGPT to come up with a script but I was hoping some more experienced subs on here could let me know if I am missing anything important before I send the writing to him.

For clarity, we live together and are in a full time relationship.

Below is what ChatGPT helped me come up with:

“I love being yours and serving you, and I want to make sure we’re both getting what we need from our dynamic. There are a few things I want to share with you about what makes me feel the most fulfilled in my submission.

I want you to take the lead, especially when it comes to making major decisions. I trust your judgment, and while I’d like to be able to give my input, I don’t want to be the one steering things—I want you to guide me. That also applies to initiation, both in daily life and sexually. I don’t want to have to push for things; I want to follow your lead and respond to you.

I really appreciate how nurturing you are, and that makes me feel safe, but I also need you to hold me accountable when I fall short. If I’m slipping or not acting in a way that aligns with what you expect of me, I need you to call me on it and not let me get away with excuses. I haven’t explored discipline before, but I’m open to trying it if you think it would help reinforce our dynamic.

Feeling safe and secure with you is incredibly important to me, and one of the ways I feel that is through protection and structure. I don’t need every moment of my life micromanaged, but I do want to feel your presence in a way that reminds me that I’m yours. If there are rules, routines, or rituals you want to put in place, I’m open to them.

When it comes to sex, I want to explore more, but I need you to lead. I don’t always know how to ask for new things or what to try, but if you introduce them and guide me, I trust you. I also know there are things you want from me that are physically uncomfortable or difficult for me, and I want you to know that I recognize that. I will keep trying for you because I want to please you, and I truly appreciate your patience with me as I work through it.

Service and devotion are big parts of how I express my submission, and I’d love to know what kinds of things make you feel most taken care of. If there are tasks or ways I can show my devotion in a way that’s meaningful to you, I want to know. And if there are things I do that please you, knowing that makes me want to serve you even more.

I just want to make sure you know that I’m here for you, and I trust you to shape our dynamic in a way that fulfills both of us."