When I first met my boyfriend last year he was very dominant in bed and just life in general. I feel as we started spending more time together and as time went on he started to get kind of soft and squishy-er, if you catch my drift. The dynamic started as him being a dom and me being a sub. After a while fun in the bedroom started to seem more vanilla than freaky. It started to feel more out of touch and some times awkward compared to the chemistry and passion we use to have. Instead of him being all over me constantly it has turned into me asking for it or practically begging for it. I know I haven’t changed my energy/vibes or goals so I feel like it is definitely all him. I know he struggles with anxiety and ADD but I am still finding myself craving someone more put together mentally enough to put themselves in a Dom position and to make these decisions/ take charge the way I need him to in and out of the bedroom Other than this he is very caring and loving for me and always makes sure I’m good.
How do you suggest we get back to where we first started? I was thinking a checklist of all kinks and then both filling them out to understand if we are fully compatible and capable of fulfilling each other, I can’t seem to find a pre made list because I feel like I’m going to miss something if I were to make one. If anyone has any suggestions on a good list I could use also I would appreciate it