Looking Into PSLF Buyback, but Question (or Two) on How Months Are Applied
So here's my situation, and it's really a thing of semantics. However, with everything happening, I need to be as accurate as possible in their (ED) eyes and not mine. I am currently at or near 120 payments on PSLF, and I want to know what is ED's correct definition of 120 months here for my situation. This is important to me as it would determine if I qualify for Buyback now or next month.
My last qualifying payment was July 2024 and first ineligible payment was August 2024. In January 2025, I re-upped my PSLF counts and discovered I am at 112 / 120 qualifying payments bringing me to 8 months remaining on PSLF. And these 8 months is where I'm hung up on.
Are my 8 months August - February? Or are my 8 months September - March?
If the former, it looks like I can submit another PSLF re-up now and begin the process. If the latter, then I need to wait until April before I submit another PSLF re-up to verify my counts before I can apply for Buyback.
To me, it makes sense that it would be the former, Augusts - February. But again, I'm looking for what's correct in ED's eyes, not mine, and why I'm posting my question here.