What to expect with IDR recertification extensions for SAVE borrowers?
So, in case anyone has missed this, a lot of people on SAVE have received letters from Aidvantage that their IDR recertification date has been pushed back to the far future, due to the court litigation surrounding SAVE. Most of these new dates are in 2026, including for me, and I've seen a few say theirs is Jan 2027.
I keep thinking this is too good to be true, and wondering what potential ways this could all go wrong. I'd really like to ride this out happily and assume I won't have to make any payments until 18 months out (my new recertification date) and plan my finances in such a way, but I keep thinking what if?
I don't have much understanding of the inner workings on how this all works. But maybe some others do and could share? I just felt it would be nice to have a formal post/discussion space for the "catch" behind all of this, since this certainly affects so many people and seems too good to be true and I haven't been able to find much information so far.
Here's all that I've found so far, though I don't fully understand how any of these scenarios could play out. Anyone care to elaborate?
- The re-certification of income date is not the same as payment due date. They can still require payments with 3 weeks notice at anytime
- They could always undo it
- If they cancel SAVE then they have to move everyone to a comparable payment plan and have them sign it. If they are telling all those people they have to move to the more expensive IBR plan then that can be grounds for a lawsuit or filing for bankruptcy, leading those loans to be discharged. It’s definitely the reason why they have been quiet about the whole thing, way too complicated along with legal ramifications.
- https://www.reddit.com/r/StudentLoans/comments/1ixgtfo/important_a_lot_of_people_are_seeing_their_save/ - SAVE is not expected to survive the courts and that these recertification dates won’t matter if you are forced off of SAVE. If SAVE ends and you are required to apply for a different IDR plan, then you would have to provide your current income on that application.This could happen a couple months from now or it could take several months and go into next year.