I'm a cis guy....
My gf frequents this page and site often, and she also believes I do as well and gets it in her beautiful head tht I post to reddit all the time basically breaking up with her (btw this is my first post EVER). I'm posting this and hopefully she will see it. I'm sorry tht this isn't the right subreddit, it's just I know she frequents this page. E.e rin, my love, we have been together for over two years now and you just can't get it through your amazing brain tht I love you and would never want to have you not by my side. I have never posted on Reddit before now, and I wanted you to see an actual post by me. Right now your asleep next to me and you look so gorgeous even though you didn't take off your glasses before you went to sleep like I ask you to do. I am amazed to be with such an amazing girl and no one in the world is like you and I wouldn't trade you for the universe. Our relationship has had rough moments and perfect ones and everyday I'm with you it feels like the half of my soul tht was lost before has finally returned. I love you with my absolute everything and I wanted you to read this to let you know tht I'm not posting those awful posts on here tht are making you feel as though I want to end things with you. Thank you to all tht have let me post this here and e.e. rin if you see this know I love you babygirl 😘