Anatomical representation of human penetration dispels all the negative myths about the SRS vagina
EDIT: transphobic cis people think that a cis vagina is neverending, that basically it's an infinite canal.
The lemma vagina comes from the Latin word vāgīna, which means "sheath" or "scabbard." Some modern languages still preserve the original etymological connotation. The contemporary French noun guaine comes from the Old French word guaïne, which in turn comes from the Latin word vāgīna. Same thing for the Italian guaina.
Why is this relevant, you might ask? Because we've been told that it is impossible for a penis not to be able to tell a difference between a cis vagina and an SRS vagina, and it's a load of bullshit. Look at the image. The vaginal canal is an extremely simple structure and it's definitely reproducible in its intrinsic functions. Whatever mental resistance straight men have is psychological and not physiological or anatomical. Remember, it's all mental! You can be the most beautiful woman in the world with the most perfect vagina, once you tell men that you're trans, they'll start seeing, hearing, feeling, and tasting things that are not even there.
I've been told that no man, living or dead, would be able to orgasm by penetrating an SRS vagina, and yet I've slept with hundreds of men who have been able to orgasm by penetrating my srs vagina. What does that tell you? Of course, I stopped telling these men that I was trans.
Trans women have pelvic muscles but somehow transphobes are convinced that we lack the musculature down there.
Men have been known to fuck sex dolls, goats, pigs, horses, corpses... men engage in anal sex and we know that the anus doesn't expel roses and orchids... and yet, we are told that they feel disgusted by our srs vaginas?
Yes, we don't have a uterus or fallopian tubes, we don't bleed every month, and we can't get ovarian cancer or uterine fibroids or cervical and endometrial polyps, true, but those differences are irrelevant when it comes to penetrative sex. It's funny because when I used to disclose I was trans, men would say that my vagina was too up, too down, too tight, too this, too that, veering to the left, veering to the right or that their penises felt claustrophobic. They enjoyed giving me brainworms. Some men told me that they could tell it wasn't real because their penises didn't feel the ovaries and the fallopian tubes and the uterus, but imagine how stupid you must be because during penetrative sex, a man cannot feel the uterus or the fallopian tubes... I've been told that penetrating a trans vagina feels like drilling holes into polyurethane.
I'm not discounting the fact that some ladies have had horrific complications after SRS. And some doctors shouldn't be performing SRS, but they don't care and they see us as lab rats. But if they do a good job and you look good? You really want me to believe that a man's penis is going to be nitpicking? Get the fuck out of here.