cant get horny :/ stimfap suggestions please
I've(23f) been smoking meth for like 10 months now and never seem to get horny. I just took a break for 2 months after like 4months of pretty much daily use and it sucks that i never get tht super turned on, horny feeling everyone always talks about :(
I used to do coke and it wouldn't necessarily make me super horny but like it did the job enough, and it made it almost impossible for me to cum so i got really into masturbating for hours and i really wanted to try that with meth but idk i just always wanna clean and organize when im high😭
Is there anything i can do or try to like maybe have a different effect? i pretty much only smoke it but would like boofing or something be a better roast?
plsss does anyone have any tips or like suggestions? my whole purpose atp in doing it is to stimfap basically and like i just dont get why it wont make me horny