How do you go about your recreational stimming?
I have my stash somewhere I don't live so that I have to decide on doses and substance beforehand. I don't binge of I have it at my apartment, but I find it hard to resist that urge for a little pick-me-up dose even if it's just a regular work-day. It's mostly speed or meth I dabble in. I generally take it orally or boofed if I'm feeling adventurous.
For speed I never go over 100 mg in a day, and meth, at least so far, about 50 mg. I might redose once.
I try to limit it to days I have no plans for, as I prefer gaming, some light bouldering (to limit heart strain) and the inevitable stimfap as activities. Like, I enjoy stimfapping, but I generally feel myself getting bored of it around the 2 hour mark, and just wanna get back to gaming or whatever. Sometimes the gaming and porn become intertwined where I have porn on one screen and play games on the other. Why not get that double dopamine dose while you're at it?
It's definitely nice to do in social settings as well, but if I'm taking higher doses I get that "rush" where you feel like your just wating to get to that next dopamine-infused activity. It just sucks getinng stuck in a situation where you're just politely chatting with about some brain dead topic while you feel that degenerate stim-horniness kicking in.
I always have weed/alcohol/pregabalin/phenibut/benzos at hand, and since I never binge I actually find the comedown to be enjoyable.
A normal stim-day might look like this:
50 mg meth in the morning
200 mg pregabalin once you feel the peak is over
Start smoking some weed around the 12 hour mark
Maybe one or two beers while I eat a pizza
Take 0.5 Xanax around midnight
Another 0.5 Xanax once I feel relaxed enough to stop gaming and just lie in bed and watch some shows
Finish off with some solid rips of weed when I feel my eyes getting heavy and sleep is approaching
When I do it this way the comedown is legitimately enjoyable. The residual energy from the meth comedown combines nicely with the euphoria and relaxedness from pregabalin, the weed does weedy stuff, and the Xanax makes me sleepy when the time is right.
I generally wake up feeling a bit groggy, but fully functional doing it this way.
I always have a rule to never do stims more than three days in a row (always sleeping between days). And always have two off days, but generally at least five.
So yeah, just curious how other people either functionally (or less so) incorporate stimming into their lives.