Black Plague Hearts Ruining Lethal Gameplay

I'm playing a lethal community in Drucker County and we had a black plague heart roll pretty early in the map and I ignored it and did work on the rest of the hearts on the map. I have 4 hearts left and last night I put down the black plague heart and not 30 seconds later the game rolled another black plague heart that's now covering 3 of the remaining 4 plague hearts. This feels unfair as shit. Why isn't the cooldown for these pieces of shit longer? Why would they choose to code it so that there's ALWAYS a black plague heart on your map?? I almost lost one of my best alts last night trying to put this fucking thing down and there's another one 30 seconds later?? I really hate that the devs listen so much to the people who play 24/7 and think the game is too easy. It is not. And the black plague hearts are cheap and completely ruin the gameplay experience. Thinking about turning curveballs off entirely because they're almost always negative and the positive ones only last for 5 minutes while the bad ones run for 20 or more. Has anyone else just said fuck it and removed the curveballs from your playthroughs? Was it worth it?