Clear Glasses Winter bug?
So, I have this problem I don't know the reason. Every winter (and only in winter) I have to uninstall Clear Glasses because my game freezes sometimes.
To be more precise, every time I have a map transition, there's a chance the game freezes and don't load the next map. The longest I got without having to close and reopen SMAPI because of that was two in game days.
There's also this other bug where when I enter the barn or coop all the animals are in the same position superposed and the audio gets weird playing all animal sounds ate the same time continuously.
There's no error Message, no nothing. But when I played back when 1.6 dropped, I was using few mods and discovered that Clear Glasses was causing it. Fast forward to last month, I updated all my mods and installed a lot ofhers to start a new playthrough.
As most of the mods got updates, as well as the Base Game and SMAPI,I thought I wouldn't get this problem with winter. But now, Winter Y1 and the bug it's still there.
Does anyone had this problem? Or know a solution?