Everybody Hates The Pykes

Is it just me, or are the Pykes the hardest faction to maintain a positive standing with?

The main story quests seem to favor screwing the Pykes.

The quests for all the other syndicates have you screwing the Pykes.

Many of the contracts have you screwing the Pykes.

Even OTHER PYKES want you to screw the Pykes.

I've had no trouble at all keeping max relationship with the Ashiga or Crimson Dawn, while my relationship with the Hutts seems to more or less stabilize in the middle of the "Good" bar, but no matter how many contracts I carry out for the Pykes, the game seems DETERMINED for me to wreck my relationship with them.

I swear I've had to gun down more of those fish-faced bastards than I have pirates and Imperials.