Say EU Fans. What is one thing from Legends (Characters, Species, Abilities, etc.) that you hope Disney never adapts into Cannon
For me, it would probably have to be the Yuuzhan Vong.
The Yuuzhan Vong Species is my favorite thing to come out of Legends. While there might be some aspect of them that I could do without, (like their near total resistance to the force). The complex, unique, and barbaric nature of their species and culture, along with their incredible biotechnology is something that I truly love.
I know alot of people want to see them make an appearance in Cannon, but in doing so Disney would have rework them in order to be more in line with George's vision for the Franchise, and not seem too out of place within the universe. And quite frankly, I can't see Disney adapting them in a way that would stay true to their premise in Legends. I much rather Disney continue on in developing the Grysk or creating some other unique species rather than have a poor adaptation of the Vong.
But aside from that, what do you guys think shouldn't be taken from Legends into Cannon?