How much does Yoda grow during the clone wars you think and why (EU)?
Before anyone says it, yes, power levels are dumb, obviously, which is the point actually. But I'm trying to make sense of it here with the lore we have.
He went from a guy Goerge calls "equals" with Dooku on Geonosis (refering strictly to Force abilities), which is reinforced in most EU sources (the fight allegedly pushung both to their limits), then proving his superior on Vjun shortly afterwards while Dooku was greatly amplified by the dark side nexus (although Yoda is also implied to be amped) to ultimately almost stalematimg Darth Sidious whom Dooku greatly feared even before Order 66.
Honestly this seems like a profoundly unrealistic growth. The war might have reawakened his long forgotten skills as a combatant (force user too) and further perfect them, but the gap between Dooku and Senate Sidious is absolutely immense, far too huge for this to be a sensible reason (given it all happens over the course of 3 years, whereas Yoda's been the order's Grand Master for centuries). And while I've just made a post explaining how even vast power gaps don't determine fights using Bane as an example, this here does strictly refer to Force abilities, considering the fight with Sidious mostly relied on that and the comparisons to Dooku put strong emphasis on their Jedi powers.
So, what made Yoda grow so much at the time? Or am I misinterpreting the comparisons to the Count, meaning Yoda is his vast superior even during AOTC?
PS: Yoda's arc with the force priestess could have made him vastly more powerful in the light side, but that’s TCW and I want to focus on the EU soley, especially that most fans around here only consider the former Canon.