The first Jedi Master after Luke?

In EU timeline/story was it ever said or hinted when exactly Luke's academy created or granted the rank of Jedi Master to another outside of Luke?

So Luke achieved Knighthood around 4 ABY....and was a Master by 10 ABY in Dark he had the Skywalker blood so I'm sure his Force learning and advancing timeline is heightened,

Kyp Durron was a master by NJO which was about 25 ABY and he achieved Knighthood in Darksaber, which was around 12 ABY

(Just using Kyp as a reference point as NJO novels spoke of him as one of the first Masters in Luke`s new Jedi...Now maybe someone like Kam Solusar achieved Master status sooner but considering he and others ( Kyle Katarn?) with previous training and Force learning background, I think Kyp is a better example...Now he had a little background with that Vim 'something' but that was so little...)

And it doesn't seem that in Vector Prime that Kyp wasn't a fresh faced Jedi Master...He wouldn't so strongly oppose Luke views unless it had been a year or two I would let's say he was made a Master around 23 or 24 ABY

Now Kyp has massive potential but like Obi Wan strong Master status in the old order with his low potential-midichlorian level....that can't be a very strong sign of the maturity needed for a Jedi THAT'S a sign that a Knight is at least training for 11\12 years before becoming a Master in Luke's order

But I just wonder who was the first Master in the New Jedi Order..maybe it was Kam S., as Luke chose him as the first Jedi professor/fill-in when Luke was away from Yavin +,