It's interesting how much the original trilogy didn't explain in terms of lore/setting/characters.
I'm just kinda recapping and catching up on star wars, legends, lore, etc. And it kinda dawned on me that in the original trilogy, you're just kinda dumped straight into the star wars universe with barely any explanation outside the exposition dump at the start of every movie.
What I mean is, without the context of the prequels or expanded lore:
The term "Sith" was never introduced. All you know is seemingly that Vader and Emperor were "tempted and corrupted by the dark side". Heck, the way Ben describes it to Luke out of context could almost make it seem like the "Dark Side" actively tries to corrupt people.
You don't know who the emperor is, what his backstory, goals, desires are. You don't even know his name was palpatine.
Jango/Boba fett, and mandelorians were never really talked about. Boba was just suddenly introduced, became popular, and died in the 6th movie.
Various aliens, their names, biology, origins are barely glanced at. You don't even know the Ewoks were Ewoks. The name wasn't introduced in the movies.
Im not complaining or anything. I'm honestly just pointing this out because it's something I just realised. I didn't grow up in that era (late 90s kid)