Chat filter sensitivity….
(Using this image cuz it’s cool asf)
I’ve recently made my own club, and wanted to make it a mysterious one for anyone who loves the mysterious side of SSO as much as I do… I went to the notes app on my phone, went to brainstorming and made the coolest looking description, rules and schedule.
I’m proud of myself, so I log into SSO, take the “to be updated” out of the club description and get to typing… Error, “The text does not follow our Terms & Conditions. Please rephrase and try again!”
Now I’m confused, I think to myself… I haven’t used any vulgar language or anything that could be offensive. I reach out to SSO, who first tells me they love the vibe of my club going off of the description I’ve given them (duh, it’s awesome) And then they go on to tell me that “all player-generated texts go through the chat filter, and the longer the text is, the more likely the system is to flag something as inappropriate, even if it’s unintentional. This means that the system sometimes doesn’t handle long texts very well. I’d recommend using shorter sentences, and hopefully, that will resolve the issue.”
I log into SSO again, I shorten my sentences, write them word by word, every time the error keeps popping up.
Does anyone else run into this issue??? Does anyone know how to work around it?
(Using this image cuz it’s cool asf)
I’ve recently made my own club, and wanted to make it a mysterious one for anyone who loves the mysterious side of SSO as much as I do… I went to the notes app on my phone, went to brainstorming and made the coolest looking description, rules and schedule.
I’m proud of myself, so I log into SSO, take the “to be updated” out of the club description and get to typing… Error, “The text does not follow our Terms & Conditions. Please rephrase and try again!”
Now I’m confused, I think to myself… I haven’t used any vulgar language or anything that could be offensive. I reach out to SSO, who first tells me they love the vibe of my club going off of the description I’ve given them (duh, it’s awesome) And then they go on to tell me that “all player-generated texts go through the chat filter, and the longer the text is, the more likely the system is to flag something as inappropriate, even if it’s unintentional. This means that the system sometimes doesn’t handle long texts very well. I’d recommend using shorter sentences, and hopefully, that will resolve the issue.”
I log into SSO again, I shorten my sentences, write them word by word, every time the error keeps popping up.
Does anyone else run into this issue??? Does anyone know how to work around it?