Please don't post the pink dragon 🤫

hi reddit! im hoping to reason with this community, because like myself I know there are a lot of grind-orientated players on here.

I wanted to caution to please be mindful about spam posting the rewards from possible non-intended game mechanics (hypothetically involving a girly-pop coded dragon and alt accounts).

It would be so easy for SSO to remove the rewards, or not run one of these promotions again, or set blockers to hinder us (like not offering the extra SR days, requiring some purchase etc). Please consider how popular light farming became and only after the fact was it abruptly halted.

Just to be clear, the fault is on SSO. Players should in no way be punished for having to resort to entertain ourselves on THEIR game. But again, I think we've seen what SSO likes to do with our fun...

Do use the code, grind the rewards out on alt, wear your pet out in-game, and send it to your friends or private servers; this all looks great to SSO's numbers and hopefully satisfies the promotion. I absolutely understand the grind and wanting to share your hard-earned rewards but please think about the outcome if SSO see's us "misusing" this feature. Obviously I can't tell anyone what to/what not to post, but I think it would in our best interest to keep this on the down-low across social media if we want to see promotions (and rewards) like this again.

Of course when the pink dragon is "fully released" in-game (for purchase), go crazy! I'm looking forward to seeing all your dragons and outfits then <3

hi reddit! im hoping to reason with this community, because like myself I know there are a lot of grind-orientated players on here.

I wanted to caution to please be mindful about spam posting the rewards from possible non-intended game mechanics (hypothetically involving a girly-pop coded dragon and alt accounts).

It would be so easy for SSO to remove the rewards, or not run one of these promotions again, or set blockers to hinder us (like not offering the extra SR days, requiring some purchase etc). Please consider how popular light farming became and only after the fact was it abruptly halted.

Just to be clear, the fault is on SSO. Players should in no way be punished for having to resort to entertain ourselves on THEIR game. But again, I think we've seen what SSO likes to do with our fun...

Do use the code, grind the rewards out on alt, wear your pet out in-game, and send it to your friends or private servers; this all looks great to SSO's numbers and hopefully satisfies the promotion. I absolutely understand the grind and wanting to share your hard-earned rewards but please think about the outcome if SSO see's us "misusing" this feature. Obviously I can't tell anyone what to/what not to post, but I think it would in our best interest to keep this on the down-low across social media if we want to see promotions (and rewards) like this again.

Of course when the pink dragon is "fully released" in-game (for purchase), go crazy! I'm looking forward to seeing all your dragons and outfits then <3