the chat is going wrong

i knew global/say chat was going in a worng direction but i'm baffled at what was going on in say chat at fort pinta champ.

for context: i'm german and we're having elections next weekend. there's the afd, which is a political party classified as right-wing and is using tiktok-propaganda to get to younger people.

rough translation for non-germans: "be smart, vote blue" (blue is afd's colour) i said, they should keep politics out of sso and they said "zecke" which means tick and is used as a slur for politically left people. also one said "she's voting left".

duh. i want human rights. but that's not the point here.

i play sso to distract myself from everythibg that's going on in the world. get your f-ing political views out of this game.

(gonna report those two, because it's a childrens game)