Idk I’m kinda fed up

Yeah go sso for throwing big threats out there to ban players who have ever used a hack to get a different horse coat or items.

But what are they going to do to permanently keep people from cheating high score races. Or (speaking from experience) my friend went to start a replay-able race and she went over the first marker and it told her she completed and ended at the top of the high score board for .98 seconds. -How are they going to differentiate between those. Hers was purely a glitch and an accident she did not attempt to make.

But at the same time sso has proved they can patch bugs that aid players (the trail blazer bug in the wash rack of the barn) immediately as it develops but we still have this glitch (in the video) that has been there ever since they created the hot bar to end the task faster.

I could honestly care less about people who cheat coats or items or even speed oh well someone will report them but it won’t be me it’s just a game it’s not that deep.

But for sso to make this huge big deal out of it yet can’t even fix some of their game glitches that have been there for YEARS yet threaten players that their game educate isn’t appropriate and will be banned blah blah blah is so hypocritical to me.

I have never cheated anything out of this game. I’ve seen coat modifications and speed cheats and it has never bothered me once. But what affects my gameplay and experience is ssos LACK of bug/ glitch fixes

I was in my club arena tried to sit on the benches and fell out of the sky. I’m in the middle of a race on mobile and my camera angel decides to flip around and won’t correct itself manually like it’s supposed to. I’ve had items glue themselves to my hands and wouldn’t leave unless I restarted the game. I’ve fallen out of the world in the winter village.

When will we see fixes for those that actively affect gameplay? Or will they just blame people who have cheated the game in the past on all their bugs and glitches. People spend a lot of money on this game how they choose to play it is not my business and sso needs to find another way around banning people. Banning won’t do a single thing. Patching the holes in the system where people can cheat will. Or are they going to implement a detection mechanism that’s powered by ai and bans people unrightfully at will. Personally I thought cheating was already a no tolerance immediate ban thing I’m not sure why it has to be readdressed unless they’re going to add more ai that hurts peoples gameplay more than a cheated coat would. And how will they know who has cheated in the past. Is my friend going to be banned for a game glitch that sent her to the top of a high score board?

I honestly believe sso has bigger fish to fry than a couple cheated horse coats.