[Raw Spoilers] 3/17/25 Opening segment discussion

  • Cena enters to the crowd singing his song

  • Cena works the crowd pretending to drop the mic and leave multiple times.

  • Cena tells the universe that he is the victim with the crowd always bullying him.

  • Crowd chants f u Cena which Cena responds to with “very classy.”

  • Cena says he’s not a heel or a babyface because he is a human and the crowd have been treating him badly for 25 years. He had to work hard and win to get to the place he’s at but the crowd still hated him.

  • Says that he wanted to do something nice with his retirement tour but says that the crowd ruined it

  • Says that nothing is never enough for the crowd, all they do is take.

  • Calls the crowd sons of B**ches and says that they earned nothing. They don’t deserve new music or attire. All we get is a look in the mirror at how we have treated him badly for 25 years.

  • Calls Cody a new toy after they throw him away

  • Calls the cena sucks people jackoffs

  • Also calls the let’s go Cena people pathetic

  • Cody comes out to a monstrous pop, says while the crowd gave Cena their worst, they also gave them their best because he could carry it

  • Cena calls Cody a kid but Cody snaps and tells him to address him as wwe champion

  • Says that he wants to see the old John Cena not the new Cena a whiny b. Cody then leaves.

  • Cena walks out the the jeers of the crowd