Are "bad boy" characters cooler then Peter Parker?

Before you downvote, just hear me out. Peter Parker's archetype is a nerd. Before he got his powers, he was a skinny, awkward nerd who wore glasses and nerdy clothing. Even after he gets powers, he's still that same kid—just more confident, selfless, and brave. The same goes for Superman. Superman is still Clark Kent. He’s still the guy raised by his parents, still the guy who loves baseball, comics, anime, and nerdy stuff. The fact that he's Superman doesn't change that. You know when Clark Kent isn't being Superman, he's watching Attack on Titan in his downtime.

My point is, even with their powers and superhero personas, they are still Clark Kent and Peter Parker. In Peter Parker's case, I think he's only seen as "cool" because he's Spider-Man. Now, let's take some brooding bad boy characters like Hardin Scott, Nick Leister, or Stefan Salvatore. In their movies and books, they are stereotypical, arrogant, brooding bad boys. But if they were in the Marvel universe as superheroes or antiheroes, I think they might be seen as cooler than Peter Parker. They would be violent, wouldn’t joke around, and if they did quip, it would be to say something arrogant, condescending, or hurtful to their enemies.

But what do you think?