What is going on?
I mean this in the nicest way possible, and I do not mean to offend or seem entitled or elitist and call me out if so. But I feel that especially recently, since about November or so, the crowd at SoulCycle is completely different and has zero regard or care for anything that the instructor or the staff or frankly anyone says.
Specifically I have been in classes where the instructor makes very clear announcements about no phones and Apple Watches on theater mode. First song, it’s a light show in the room. People whipping out their phone flashlights to try to see where the resistance knob or cup holder is. People attempting to text on their Apple Watches mid class. Instructor makes another announcement. Ignored again. I even witnessed a rider practically yell at a staff member when she asked her to put her phone in a locker. I felt so bad.
People are coming in late like crazy. clipping out and leaving in the middle of class and coming back in. People sit front and center and do their own choreo and talking to their friends loudly right in front of the instructor who is also talking. It feels like a big rival “high school” has started coming to SoulCycle simply to cause chaos.
I get also that it’s a new year and there are a lot of newer riders who are coming and still learning SoulCycle “culture.” And it’s exciting to see classes so full, and I think it’s pretty much always like this in January/February. But I have almost felt or noticed it more and it’s been extra so this year compared to years before. Maybe I just miss the old days, but if anyone else feels like this in their markets, please chime in. Hoping it evens out soon, I feel bad mostly for the staff who is getting yelled at to do their jobs for what little underpaid money I’m sure they’re getting.