sonnies up for trade :]

all uft! open iso (will look at any sonnies, including regulars) but i have a list too, i just can't attach it bc posts are limited to 1 pic!

usa shipping only. for proofs, my disc is the same as my reddit and i have a lot of proofs there!

only looking for sonny angels, unless you have toilet secret, bath secret, or cheer secret smiskis.

pms open! tysm!

all uft! open iso (will look at any sonnies, including regulars) but i have a list too, i just can't attach it bc posts are limited to 1 pic!

usa shipping only. for proofs, my disc is the same as my reddit and i have a lot of proofs there!

only looking for sonny angels, unless you have toilet secret, bath secret, or cheer secret smiskis.

pms open! tysm!