Could social democracy be a realistic transitionary system to actual socialism?
Just a quick preface, I'm still very much new to socialism. I am new to politics in general, really, having recently decided to no longer be apolitical and educate myself, and begin to care about the world on a deeper level. This has led me personally to socialism, with democratic socialism in particular being the kind that is speaking the most to me (also curious about market socialism, it also sounds viable and compatible with democratic socialism, but that is a discussion for another topic). But I am still reading the essential literature and very much still learning, so forgive me if this question is foolish. It's out of good faith to see what you more experienced and learned socialists have to say on it.
Anyway, I've been contemplating how a realistic transition to socialism could occur in our modern world without involving rampant violence. It led me to think about the Nordic countries and their systems of social democracy. As I understand it, this is essentially a highly regulated form of capitalism, perhaps, for lack of a better term, the most 'lesser evil' of capitalistic forms. I was then wondering if, out of all the nations, states and political systems on Earth, if those Nordic countries had the most realistic chance of one day transitioning to a full socialist system via a democratic process. It still sounds like a big leap from capitalism, even capitalism-lite, to full socialism. But it seems the most likely way to me to achieve it democratically, without having to employ something like Lenin's Vanguardism/dictatorship of the proletariat or Stalin's totalitarianism.
Of course, the rich middle class will always resist the concept with every fibre of their being as it will cost them their extravagant wealth, but Nordic social democracy already seems to help regulate the capitalism so it isn't too exploitative or unfair, at least by comparison to the US, various other European countries or even Australia, my country. So perhaps even more regulation over a transitionary period would help ease the society into socialism and transfer control from middle class to working class/bourgeoise to proletariat?
Just something I was musing about earlier, and wanted to hear what experienced socialists had to say on the matter. Is it possible? Realistic? Or naïve and idealistic? Thanks in advance for any responses.